Gold Bolt 18: Cordelion - Once underwater, jump through the first gap with the mag boots.Gold Bolt 17: Cordelion - After going down the elevator, the bolt is in one of the offshoot rooms with a broken door.Gold Bolt 16: Cordelion - Hit the first crystal found on Cordelion, then leave the room and fly out to the far away landing pad.Taking the rift will grab the bolt on the rail. Gold Bolt 15: Torren IV - On the rail towards the smelting pit, Rivet will note that there’s a rift.Gold Bolt 14: Torren IV - Dodge right after the first mob fight, then boost up the wall and ride it around to find the bolt.Hitting a nearby crystal after bringing the second crystal back to the past will reveal the bolt. Gold Bolt 13: Blizar Prime - In the Honey Road side mission path, during the section in which crystals must be used to change the environment.Gold Bolt 12: Blizar Prime - Smashing a crystal to the left at the start of the mining hub area, then jumping around reveals the bolt.Gold Bolt 11: Blizar Prime - Amongst some toxic crabs on an outcropping, to the left of the path to the mining hub at the start of the world.
Gold Bolt 10: Savali - Running through the long strip of buttons with boots at the top right of the Savali map.Gold Bolt 9: Savali - Chase and capture the Savali taxi bot holding the bolt to obtain it.There’s a big ring near the Glutonium facility with the bolt in the middle. Gold Bolt 8: Sargasso - Complete the Sargasso side missions until unlocking flight with Trudy.Gold Bolt 7: Scarstu Debris Field - Obtained by completing the Bugtrax challenge race in the Bronze Cup at Zurkies.Gold Bolt: Scarstu Debris Field - The bolt is underneath the first platform after landing at Zurkies.Gold Bolt 5: Sargasso - Go left after crossing the bridge on the island with Rivet’s hideout, behind the Glutonium facility on the left.Gold Bolt 4: Sargasso - After meeting the Goon-4-Less troops, the bolt will be at the back of the Gelatonium facility.Gold Bolt 3: Corson V - After obtaining the Phantom Glove, ride the panel to the left of the start of the Nefarious City hub area.Gold Bolt 2: Corson V - After meeting The Phantom, the Gold Bolt will be to the right through a grate directly outside of the club.Gold Bolt 1: Corson V - During a side quest at the Nefarious Business Factory, players should complete a wall jump up to the conveyor belts.